
Desbloqueo de celulares conforme a la NOM-184-SCFI-2012 | León Felipe Sánchez

Desbloqueo de celulares conforme a la NOM-184-SCFI-2012 | León Felipe Sánchez.

Apparently the Mexican government got its head out of its ass and implemented a requirement for cellular telephony users to be able to unlock their devices without any costs to the user, as long as contractual requirements are met.

This is the tale of how one guy successfully got Telcel to unlock his iPhone.

Desbloqueo de celulares conforme a la NOM-184-SCFI-2012 | León Felipe Sánchez Read More »


My Command Center will have a heavily guarded room at the bottom of a 100 story subterranean shaft that will contain a sophisticated bus-sized computer with a fake encoded plan, no external link, and no real function whatsoever. The real command center will be a satellite-linked laptop on a card-table with a folding chair at the top of the elevator shaft, behind a door marked ‘standpipe valves’ accessible through the unlocked janitor’s closet.

via Evil Empress Guide.

This here is wise advise.

Misdirection! Read More »

Of immigration and race

In a way, this reminds me of the immigration situation in America with Mexicans marching, protesting America’s immigration laws. But what they don’t want to ever talk about is Mexico’s immigration laws and how they treat their illegal immigrants. In Mexico, being an illegal is a felony and hiring an illegal is a felony. Also, in Mexico, the law states that if you have a choice, you should always hire the natural born Mexican before the foreigner, even if they aren’t illegal

Mexico also has an illegal immigration problem with other Central American countries, but they way they treat their illegals, which are the same “race” of people is magnitudes worse than the treatment they themselves receive in the U.S.

OP’s post sort of reminds me of this, in the way that everyone is so busy criticizing the great evil that they don’t even look at how they are treating the people themselves. Arabs treat the Palestinians badly similarly to (but on a much greater scale) to how Mexico treats its Latino illegal immigrants.

nitesmoke comments on IAmA a Palestinian refugee from Lebanon and I wish the Arab world gets as little as 10% of the criticism Israel gets for treating Palestinians. AMA..

So true. The original IAmA article is plenty interesting too.

Of immigration and race Read More »

Clear and to the point

Because FM is a newer and better technology:

Imagine the radio waves are light. AM transmits by changing the brightness of a light (Amplitude Modulation), FM transmits by changing the colour of the light (Frequency Modulation).

If you have a clear view of both lights then they both sound good, but imagine if you’re driving and trees get in the way of the light beam. You can still see the light through the leaves, but not as well.

With AM the brightness of the light keeps changing as leaves block it so the volume keeps going up and down. With FM it doesn’t matter how bright the light is because you only care about the colour, which doesn’t change.

The reason you still have AM as well as FM because AM is much cheaper to broadcast and the signals travel further.

brainflakes comments on ELI5: Why does f.m. radio sound pretty good and a.m. sound like it’s coming to us live from the 1920s?.

This is the best explanation I’ve ever read about the difference between AM and FM.

Clear and to the point Read More »

Gone Streisand

God damn it internet, why is /r/popping a thing

EDIT: You all keep replying to this and it keeps bringing me back here.

What the hell is wrong with you people.

EDIT 2: You’re all monsters.

EDIT 3: Oh my god if you assholes make this my top voted comment, i’ll never stop looking at it what the fuck. Reddit. Stahp.

EDIT 4: And the descriptive disgusting comments aren’t helping jesus christ.

ohsnapkins comments on Guy posts his infected pimple on /r/popping, gets told to see a doctor ASAP and ends up needing 3 days in hospital to treat for MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).

Gone Streisand Read More »

Damn these people

The Plot to Destroy America’s Beer – Businessweek.

As far as investors are concerned, Brito’s performance has been masterful. So much cash flowed in that by 2011 the company was able to pay down early a significant portion of the $54 billion it had borrowed to finance the Anheuser-Busch takeover. This triggered $1.3 billion in stock-option bonuses for Brito and 39 other executives that year.

Does anyone, anywhere, still need more proof that everyone on Wall Street is an asshole? Not only are these people destroying the economy. They’re destroying one the few legal ways to forget they destroyed the economy.

Damn these people Read More »

Sinful Interfaces

Windows 8′s Greatest Sin | TechPinions.

It is quite telling that Linux is nowhere on the list. This is how hard all open source desktop environments have failed.

GNOME lusted after OSX and became a bad imitation of it. KDE lusted after Windows 7’s candied interfaces, and became bloated. Xfce remains too static and people use it only it is known and stable.

There is some semblance of hope with MATE, Cinnamon, Trinity and Razor-qt, but they’re too young and still need years to achieve feature parity with Windows XP.

I’ve been using Windows 8 and I’ve found I have to fight its UI quirks less than those of Xfce, GNOME or KDE, enticing me to jump back and stop dealing with all these changes.

Sinful Interfaces Read More »

ignore the code: Crappy Computers

So the sentiment that «entry-level» computers are good enough for casual users is exactly backwards: casual users are the ones that need high-end computers, while proficient users are the ones who can work around the limitations of low-end computers.

ignore the code: Crappy Computers. via Daring Fireball.

The man puts into words something I’ve attempted to explain, unsuccessfully, to anyone who asks me for recommendations regarding computers.

The question usually goes “What computer should I buy?”. When I answer they should buy a MacBook, they say I’m an idiot for suggesting they buy something that expensive. Then I tell them to buy a Thinkpad, and they think it’s ugly. Then they go out and get a cheap Dell, them come to me complaining it’s slow.

I’ll just give this argument, and hope the person is intelligent enough to catch the argument.

ignore the code: Crappy Computers Read More »