
Big Spam dump!

Large collection of default spam-comments from a slimy SEO tool.

This morning, I woke up to find that someone who was new to the tool (or unclear on the concept) had left a spam with all of the default comment messages in it, dumping the full database of anodyne comments intended to fool both the spam-filter and the human operator into thinking that the sender had read the post and was replying to it.

This should be helpful in blocking future spam.

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You know you’ve made it when…

Gay? Murderer? The Telenovela Life of Mexican President-Elect Enrique Peña Nieto.

If Peña Nieto’s past is any indication of what the next six years of his presidency will be like, we better start popping the popcorn now. And maybe take a second look at our romantic Mexico weekend getaway plans. Surely there’s a safer place to go, like Syria.

You know you’ve made it when… Read More »

I wanna move to Europe now

Europe Court Says Ill Workers Can Retake Vacations –

With much of Europe mired in recession, governments struggling to reduce budget deficits and officials trying to combat high unemployment, the ruling is a reminder of just how hard it is to shake up long-established and legally protected labor practices that make it hard to put more people to work and revive sinking economies.

If you look at it from an American point of view then yes, the ruling is a mistake. As for myself, I think adding additional available sick days would do the job and it’d be a nice compromise between the employer and the employees.

(via The Daily What)

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