
They all evolve until you can text people on them.

Instagram’s co-founders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger created a mobile social network based on visual storytelling. The impetus provided by the early photography-centric approach turned it into a fast-growing phenomenon. For Facebook, it was an existential threat. And it was worth spending nearly a billion dollars to own, control, and eventually subsume. And that’s precisely what Facebook has done.

Source: Instagram is dead – On my Om

As stated by Zawinky’s Law:

“Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.”

In the age of social media I suppose email is passé, so apps expand until they can do what every other social media app does

They all evolve until you can text people on them. Read More »

Extra! Extra! Fake news are real! Extra

In addition to doing more to weed out lies and false propaganda, Facebook could tweak its algorithm so that it does less to reinforce users’ existing beliefs, and more to present factual information. This may seem difficult, but perhaps the Silicon Valley billionaires who helped create this problem should take it on before setting out to colonize Mars.

Source: Mark Zuckerberg Is in Denial – The New York Times

El Zuckerberto wants all the money he can have so he can be on the third ship to Mars. The first one made it there, the second one brought all the toys, and the third is for the rich people who want off the planet.

At least on twitter it’s easy to look up and see what the others are talking about, even while mired in abuse.

Extra! Extra! Fake news are real! Extra Read More »