Week 13 or omfg where does time go



Bartenders are riled up cos people got their schedules rearranged so we have more people on the busy times and less people on the slow times. Servers are riled up cos their hours got cut consistently cos people are lazy and leaving sidework undone. Hosts are riled up cos they’re told to communicate with bar and floor but refuse to do so. Kitchen is riled up cos executive chef sucks. Management is riled up cos we’re doing really bad on our cocktailing service and corporate is coming down hard on us because of it. I’m not riled up anymore after getting one too many talking-tos from management. We’re just annoyed people don’t want to work as a team, then complain we’re not making enough money for the job to be worth their time.

This job is literally the best-paying job I have ever had in the past ten years, including my technology jobs! I’m just surprised how most everyone treats our guests like trash, then expect those same guests to tip well.

And yeah we’re kinda done with the bad attitude. Now people get the non-committal sardonic version of ourselves.


We’ve been having some issues with stocking since “floor manager quit” since we have to 1. figure out what it is we need to order then 2. Text bar manager the order that he then 3. Texts to the kitchen manager to go buy at various restaurant supply stores around town but 4. Owner gives only enough money for the kitchen guy to purchase stuff with so it’s often the bar that comes up short.

This was a really sore point over Saint Patrick’s day weekend and this lasts weekend. Bar ran out of pretty much everything and we couldn’t even make more because there was nothing to make it with.

Yesterday, when checking out of raw material stocks, we could tell someone was unhappy as we did have enough citrus juice to actually make everything we needed, for a change. Now if only they actually bought stuff we’ve been asking for months, like demerara sugar.

Between both jobs, there’s plenty of vitriol to go around.


My liver is kinda happy about it though. Same for my wallet.

One of my preferred watering spots, Iron Door Pub, shut its doors this past Sunday.

I’ve been in Minneapolis service industry for ten years.Tonight is the first time a bartender told me “I got your tab”

nullrend on Bluesky

Invited all of our coworkers to come hang out. None did. Fuck’em, last time I make an effort to socialise with them. If they want us to hangout with them we’ll just have a drink at the closest bar that’s also on the block, then going home.

Who needs sleep?

Current sleep schedule is all over the place and we’re getting tired of it. We’re thinking of rearranging our bedroom and putting up blackout curtains but we’ll need to figure out how to attach them properly to the wall without risking our rent deposit.

A more insane alternative is to move to another apartment in the same building, which would help with porch pirates.

Weather be crazy yo

In Spanish we say “Febrero loco, Marzo otro poco“. We go from blizzards to late spring warmth back to freezing then some rain and… we know global warming is real cos the weather in these latitudes doesn’t know what it wants to do anymore. This is kicking my ass and making me fall asleep early and waking up in the middle of the night and then we can’t fall back asleep.

I just want to be able to fall asleep in my building’s back courtyard and feel warm.

Government or the lack thereof

There’s just so much. Every day a new chaos. Social Security? Gutted. Department of Education? Not anymore. Secret military ops? Guess again. Meanwhile Democrats are best described by The Onion:

Democrats Huddle To Decide How Best To Let Massive Republican Fuck-Up Slip Through Fingers

In Latin America they say “A disfrutar lo votado” (“Enjoy what you voted for”) but even if the criminal trump regime were to kill all the cruel idiots who voted for the orange cruel idiot we still have to pick up the pieces.

Good News Everyone

the classic windows xp wallpaper with your friend darth the red panda, a red panda wearing a darth vader outfit and with blue sky butterfly wings, flying above

Darth is back and it’s currently a trending topic on bluesky. They went to sleep before trending topics were even a thing.

Pretty sure that’s everything that’s rattling around in our brain… for now.

Fuck them up

When it happened a third time, I switched into full “research and destroy the problem” mode. One of my Ars colleagues commiserated with me, writing, “This kind of powerful-annoying stuff is just so common. I swear at least once every few months, some shortcut or whatever just stops working, and sometimes, after a week or so, it starts working again. No rhyme, reason, or apparent causality except that computers are just [unprintable expletives].”

Source: Sometimes, it’s the little tech annoyances that sting the most – Ars Technica


That’s cos most IT people think their way is the best way. Particularly UI/UX developers.

This is only week 5 of 2025???

Ugh, it’s been a fucken hell of a month. Literally the first day of February and no one wants anymore of what this year has in store.


mgbarJerb is… Consistent in its chaotic, disorganised, environment. It’s one of the reasons why we’re actively shopping for a car, even though the orange trump is about to start a trade war ( 2025-02-02_02:36 : has started. We started this post six hours ago.) with Mexico and Canada. I need to be there quickly whenever someone calls out which happens at least once a week. We spend way too much on rideshares and that’s money that should go towards a car payment.

Got written up for bad attitude. Some of that is deserved, some isn’t. But co-workers who are lazy fuckers are a-okay so fuck them and fuck the corpos who like it that way.

bartendJerb: The “floor manager” quit. She was the one who made syrups and purchased some stuff. So now we have no one to do those things. They (as in the current bar manager, and the owner) want me to do it but I will need a car to schlep all the things around. Doing it on my bike is too onerous a task, nevermind the time it will take.


My personal life is basically non-existent outside of having a couple drinks at various bars around town, after work. Work is life these days. The hangovers too but we are making an effort to keep them to a minimum, like Ernie. She’s up for a James Beard award as a professional oyster shucker. We should learn from her.

As I need to buy a car, we are shopping around and we know we want a Toyota RAV4 or a Honda CR-V. The purchase needs to be done before the economy crashes but we’re extremely leery of making a purchase of such magnitude when the economy is most certainly about to be tossed into a latrine. See what the muskrat is doing at the US Treasury department. Fucken piece of shit Nazi. Fuck his dad and his mom too.

Had a spot of seasonal depression but I think we’re past it. We hope. We’re pretty tired as we type this on our phone at the bar. (Still tired at home on the computer).


ICE raids all over the country. ICE office in Saint Paul : they want 75 arrests a day, with increases coming down the pike. Fuck ICE and if you have someone working there, fuck you, fuck your mom, fuck your dad, fuck your grandparents, fuck your great-grandparents, and all of their fucken cows.

They don’t care whether you’re a citizen or not. A resident or not. If you en’t Caucasian you en’t staying.

So that’s another reason to not take the bus and opt for personal transportation.


This post comes via the WP classic editor on mobile. It is 2025 in the year of the Lard and fucken WordPress still doesn’t have a decent mobile editor. Automattic has sucked as stewards of WordPress for a long time and it shows. Also fuck Matt Mullenweg, prissy bitch.


This here blog post is us being pro-union (even if most of the bosses are fucken idiots), pro-labor, pro-lgbtq. You don’t like it? The ❌ button should be on your top-right window corner, unless you’re using a corpo app in which case you’re fucked, your family is fucked and fuck you too.

Fucken genAI slop

As of late we’ve gotten two or three spam comments that have made it past our filters… And the vibe on them is decidedly different than the usual.

These ones are antagonizing and rude, clearly seeking to get a rise out of you.

Yet another thing to watch out for.

Loud music at bar close

The saddest thing we have realized about our drinking habits is… No one will miss us, other than the money. We could happily enslave ourselves to alcohol at home and no one would know.

Restaurant people around me keep talking about hospitality and environments and guests and and and.

They’re lying. They’re fucken lying.

It always comes down to the money.

Estoy cansado, jefe


We now agree with Boomers that people don’t want to work anymore. We would like to have a day off sometime? Our laundry is piling up something massive.


We’re shopping for a car. We don’t like it, but the abuse our knees are taking at work makes riding bike year-long unfeasible. Plus… there’s a couple of shows that are out of the Twin Cities we would like to attend. Having a car would make it much easier. In the meantime… we will bus to work, we will ride our bike back home.


We learned people are lazy and you can’t expect yourself out of them. Also learned we need to be the one training people at mgbarJerb, lest they become lazy like the others, so we can maybe expect something of ourselves within them.

All other learning is more or less at a standstill. We wish it weren’t so.


We’ve now learned why bartenders are usually broke. They spend money almost as fast as they make money. This cannot, will not, be our way. We know Hunger and we know she’s always around.

Restoring Nextcloud Tasks

A few months ago due to my own laziness we ended up losing my main ZFS storage array­. One of the things lost was my Nextcloud VM, which used a zvol as its main storage space. The files themselves were easily recoverable as we had full copies on three separate machines but we personally use Nextcloud Tasks, and as it turns out there’s no easy way to backup your data from the server itself.

Cue much banging head against keyboard. By sheer chance and an offhand reddit comment leading to a github comment we were able to find a workaround via DAVx and Tasks.org, the software we already were using to sync our calendar and tasks (CalDAV) to our android device.

The issue is that locally the app has a record of the object existing on the server, but when it queries the server the object is no longer there. This indicates that the object was deleted, so Tasks deletes the local copy.

When you restore from a backup you’re restoring the same task that thinks the object exists on the server. When it queries the server again the object is still missing, so the local copy gets deleted again.

What you can do is put your phone in airplane mode, load your backup file, then use long press + multi-select to move all of your data to local lists. Then you can turn off airplane mode, let it sync once (not sure if this is necessary), then move all of your data from the local lists back to the caldav server

edit: tasks doesn’t support exporting to ics, but this is something I would like to support in the future
abaker commented on Feb 16

This gave us a path forward in restoring five years worth of tasks, as we wanted to keep eveything including old archived tasks instead of having to start over. The process is somewhat involved.


Disable synchronization for all involved accounts. In my case there were two CalDAV accounts, one for the failed NC server and another for the newly provisioned NC server. Then put your phone in airplane mode just to guarantee there is no communication between your device and the server.

If this gets messed up there is a fair chance everything is lost and we don’t want that, now do we.


  1.  ☰ → Settings → Backups → Backup Now. Make sure it’s a folder the OS can access without additional permissions. The default folder is hidden to all apps by default and the only way to get to it is connecting the device to a computer cos Google hates you.
  2.  ☰ , scroll down to the “Local lists”. Create as many lists as you need to restore to NC.
  3. Open the original task list, tap bottom-right ⋮ → Enable “Show completed”. If you don’t do this you’ll only be backing current uncompleted tasks!
  4. Tap upper-right ⋮ → Select all
  5. Tap the list icon List glyph, tap the local list you want to move all of these tasks to.
  6. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5, for as many lists as you have.

At this point all of your tasks live on your device. Strongly recommend creating another tasks.org backup and immediately copying it to another device just in case your device dies. If you have pets you know how quickly this can happen.


Create lists to match the local lists on your device (if they haven’t been created already)


Disable airplane mode and delete the account for the failed NC server. If you have not added the account for the new NC server, you can do so now (or enable sync for it at this point)


Before proceeding, make sure the lists from the new NC server show up in the list manager and your backup is copied off device. Now we basically do the reverse of earlier

  1. ☰ , scroll down to the “Local lists”.
  2. Open the a local task list, tap bottom-right ⋮ → Enable “Show completed” (if it isn’t already).
  3. Tap upper-right ⋮ → Select all
  4. Tap the list icon , tap the NC list you want to move all of these tasks to.
  5. Repeat steps 3, 4, 5 as required.
  6. ☰ → Settings → Backups → Backup Now.

This backup will contain the tasks as connected to the NC account with its lists and should start synchronizing up to Nextcloud. You can also sync manually in DAVx.

We hope this helps someone in the future other than myself, cos it certainly was a total pain in the ass. We originally tried messing with the raw JSON making up the CalDAV objects but due to the way the protocol works going this route failed. Both Nextcloud and tasks.org have exporting data to ICS on the roadmap but it’ll take a while to get implemented.

Better yet, make sure you have replacement hardware for whatever hardware fails, and attend to those failures promptly.

arroz-con-yolo:exeggcute:staff: red3blog: formeldeharv: i…






i put “All I Want for Christmas is You” through a MIDI converter, and then back through an mp3 converter

the result is this garbage

I’m driving myself up the wall because I swear I can hear the vocal line but I don’t know how that could be if it was truly converted to MIDI. Unless you can replicate speech sounds entirely with modulated MIDI notes, in which case I’m actually impressed with this tire fire of an MP3.


the holiday season is almost upon us and I’d like to bring back this absolute fucking monstrosity of an audio file

I’m fucking WHEEZING

original post

They truly did this to themselves

The practice has since metastasized to so many kinds of products in so many more stores—big-box discounters, beauty retailers, chain pharmacies—that it’s become routine to discover entire aisles transformed into untouchable product galleries armored in plexiglass. The whole thing has a whiff of pawnshop, which might actually be unfair to pawnshops. They, at least, have someone ready and waiting to take things out of lockup.

Source: Why CVS and Target Locking Up Products Is Backfiring – Bloomberg

We gave up on local retailers for 99% of everything we own. If we need to buy something in-person, it’s usually at the nearest co-op, or at Costco. We don’t step into any corporate retailers unless there is a dire need.

Flattened appearances

Gifford v. Sheil is not the first time an influencer has accused another of copying them — copyright itself is frequently weaponized in inter-creator conflicts through the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice-and-takedown regime. Gifford’s suit, which takes the battle out of the realm of platform-level DMCA adjudication and into a federal district court, significantly raises the stakes. Perhaps the suit will serve as a serious warning shot to other influencers, but it mostly strikes me as a last-ditch effort by someone who has exhausted her other (few) options.

Source: The influencer lawsuit that could change the industry – The Verge

The article itself says regardless of who pushes a product on you, amazon still gets paid. This suit has the potential to change the entire ecosystem stateside for content creators… while corporations will stay mum so people forget about their role in the entire situation.

Live by the dunk? Die by the dunk

I must not dunk.

Dunks are the time-killer

Dunks are the little stress that bring on social alienation

I will ignore bad takes

I will allow them to pass, or block them

And when they are off my feed I will read things that matter

And where the takes have gone there will be nothing

Only I will remain

Source: Annalee @flowerhorne.com – Bluesky

No, but really. Bluesky is not twitter. Trying to bring about the same social dynamics we had there will only bring everyone down.

Hopefully it’ll be good on tips from here on out.

Here be what’s went on with us this past week. We got our asses kicked.


  • bartendJerb is basically gone. Business levels have dropped below what’s sustainable for the place mid-term, but management won’t adjust labor, nor menu, nor open hours. They keep waiting for the weather to get cold. Guess what! It’s cold now! And it’s still slow!
  • mgbarJerb: Getting ever busier. We don’t think the corpos expected our location to come out swinging this hard, and yet here we are; getting no support from them while they try to tell us how to do our jobs. There is no institutional knowledge at the corporate level and they don’t provide mechanisms to keep it at the location level. Very little of the two weeks-long training I went through has actually been useful.


We got mamasha, our storage server, back online. She was offline for nearly three months cos we didn’t have to deal with an entire failed raidz2 pool. But it’s back online and so far, no issues. I have a bit more to say on this since a well-administered ZFS pool is not supposed to fail like this but here we are, restoring from a backup made two years ago, right before I mostly lost sentience.

Today the criminal president-elect announced 25% tariffs on all products coming from Mexico, Canada, and China. Better start a garden so you can have tomatoes, avocados, lettuce and jalapeños (they come from Mexico). If you’re building a house, you need to have your contractors finish ASAP (most lumber is imported from Canada). If you need electronics, you need to buy them now. Service industry will see the price of tequila, mezcal, beer (Modelo, Pacifico, XX Lager) go up.

Myself I’m starting the build-out process for a new storage server. mamasha’s hardware is from 2012 (Xeon E3-1220 V2, SuperMicro X9SCM-F) with the motherboard already getting replaced once. It’d be nice to have something with just as many PCI-E slots so we can put a nice GPU and see what’s what with self-hosted LLM tooling. We don’t condone the use of genAI for artistic purposes but that’s where tech is going so we need to learn how to deal with it even if it’s from an adversarial standpoint.

Bringing this server back online was my win of the week. We’ll take it.


We need to start learning new stuff. Picked up a copy of Meehan’s Bartender Manual and honestly we think it is helping us understand more about bartending as a profession.

Today we think we’ll go to the library and renew our library card. If it all goes to shit in the US it’d be useful to know another language. German, French or Czech would be nice.

Rebuilt our nextcloud VM since it died when out zpool crashed. It’s been okay to re-learn all of these things, the first time I configured the VM we didn’t keep much in the way of notes.

Speaking of notes… we’re now using obsidian instead of vim+wiki.vim. We don’t spend that much time on our workstation anymore and we need our notes available on the phone without having to fiddle on the command line on the phone. It’s a pain in the ass honestly.


Now, on the intersection of work and personal… my phone scrobbles to last.fm whatever songs are being played in my environment. INXS is picking up steam as it is on the playlist at mgbarJerb.

They are also starting to push hard on the Christmas music and that’s going to be messy; had the displeasure of listening to an EDM remix of little drummer boy. Just… no.

This week we get an additional day off because of Thanksgiving. From here until the end of the year it’ll be madness at work.

block the twitter app, improve your life

There are many, many articles out there about the rise of BlueSky. There are so many more about the fall of twitter (yes I’m fucken deadnaming it). But even now, in the twilight of the latter, have had to rarely deal with shitty ads, spam bots, or crypto bros. There’s, I believe, a single reason for it.

We don’t use the official app. At all. We never have.

Currently we use the PWA version of the site via Firefox. This means I get

  • uBlock Origin to filter out ads.
  • Control Panel for Twitter to hide shit the apartheid muskrat came up with, defaulting my experience to the chronological timeline.
  • ClearURLs add-on bypassing tracking methods when linking in and out of the site.
  • The app (and thus, the company plus the apartheid muskrat) doesn’t get to siphon any of my phone data.

On desktop we used to use tweetdeck right up until the muskrat took it away. On mobile we used a variety of apps (Talon, Fenix 2, others) before those were also taken away. The official twitter app never held my attention. Using the PWA takes care of the technology side of things so I can concentrate my efforts elsewhere: Spending the time to curate my experience:

  • You follow me, but you only retweet and quote-tweet? I’m not following you back. Tweet things you came up by yourself.
  • Farming of any sort? You’ll probably catch a block.
  • Use of genAI tools to “create content”? Miss me with that.
  • You come into my mentions telling me I’m wrong about something? Yeah, you’re getting muted.

This effort took years and years. I grew up on the Old Internet; constantly doing this kind of thing was necessary to keep your sanity more or less intact. It’s why BlueSky is nicer:

One thing that makes 🦋 different is been created by people who have seen it all. Like if you think you’re going to shock them with gore,vore, scat, 4chan, 8chan, 256chan, inflation art, 2-girls-1 cup, lemon party, Tumblr lore, you name it – they saw and became immune to all that when they were 12.

David Aronchick ‪@ironyuppie.com‬

On BlueSky we have the nuclear block. I personally think it is the one innovation that will give it the upper hand over all the other would-be twitter competitors, or even social media at large.

the nuclear block is the single best product decision bluesky has made

yes, it’s sometimes annoying when you want to gawk but that’s part of why it’s good

Micah ‪@rincewind.run

Upper panel: Man laying down is smiling at his phone. Text says "Block account" Bottom Panel: Man is looking up. He is happy

Building on top of it are moderation lists and blocklists, which build on top of the block function. Like darth says, “just moving on really does work micah tbh“. If you want to gawk at someone posting stupid shit, you can use alternate methods if you really want to, but the vast majority of the time you just… move on, and that way you don’t get enraged or saddened.

Twitter had everything to stay the “town square of the Internet” for this decade, but the greed of it’s C-suite was bound to cause its downfall sooner or later. But even now, at the worst twitter has ever been, you don’t have to suffer the experience the muskrat wants for you.

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