Week 13 or omfg where does time go
Bartenders are riled up cos people got their schedules rearranged so we have more people on the busy times and less people on the slow times. Servers are riled up cos their hours got cut consistently cos people are lazy and leaving sidework undone. Hosts are riled up cos they’re told to communicate with bar and floor but refuse to do so. Kitchen is riled up cos executive chef sucks. Management is riled up cos we’re doing really bad on our cocktailing service and corporate is coming down hard on us because of it. I’m not riled up anymore after getting one too many talking-tos from management. We’re just annoyed people don’t want to work as a team, then complain we’re not making enough money for the job to be worth their time.
This job is literally the best-paying job I have ever had in the past ten years, including my technology jobs! I’m just surprised how most everyone treats our guests like trash, then expect those same guests to tip well.
And yeah we’re kinda done with the bad attitude. Now people get the non-committal sardonic version of ourselves.
We’ve been having some issues with stocking since “floor manager quit” since we have to 1. figure out what it is we need to order then 2. Text bar manager the order that he then 3. Texts to the kitchen manager to go buy at various restaurant supply stores around town but 4. Owner gives only enough money for the kitchen guy to purchase stuff with so it’s often the bar that comes up short.
This was a really sore point over Saint Patrick’s day weekend and this lasts weekend. Bar ran out of pretty much everything and we couldn’t even make more because there was nothing to make it with.
Yesterday, when checking out of raw material stocks, we could tell someone was unhappy as we did have enough citrus juice to actually make everything we needed, for a change. Now if only they actually bought stuff we’ve been asking for months, like demerara sugar.
Between both jobs, there’s plenty of vitriol to go around.
My liver is kinda happy about it though. Same for my wallet.
One of my preferred watering spots, Iron Door Pub, shut its doors this past Sunday.
I’ve been in Minneapolis service industry for ten years.Tonight is the first time a bartender told me “I got your tab”
Invited all of our coworkers to come hang out. None did. Fuck’em, last time I make an effort to socialise with them. If they want us to hangout with them we’ll just have a drink at the closest bar that’s also on the block, then going home.
Who needs sleep?
Current sleep schedule is all over the place and we’re getting tired of it. We’re thinking of rearranging our bedroom and putting up blackout curtains but we’ll need to figure out how to attach them properly to the wall without risking our rent deposit.
A more insane alternative is to move to another apartment in the same building, which would help with porch pirates.
Weather be crazy yo
In Spanish we say “Febrero loco, Marzo otro poco“. We go from blizzards to late spring warmth back to freezing then some rain and… we know global warming is real cos the weather in these latitudes doesn’t know what it wants to do anymore. This is kicking my ass and making me fall asleep early and waking up in the middle of the night and then we can’t fall back asleep.
I just want to be able to fall asleep in my building’s back courtyard and feel warm.
Government or the lack thereof
There’s just so much. Every day a new chaos. Social Security? Gutted. Department of Education? Not anymore. Secret military ops? Guess again. Meanwhile Democrats are best described by The Onion:

In Latin America they say “A disfrutar lo votado” (“Enjoy what you voted for”) but even if the criminal trump regime were to kill all the cruel idiots who voted for the orange cruel idiot we still have to pick up the pieces.
Good News Everyone
Darth is back and it’s currently a trending topic on bluesky. They went to sleep before trending topics were even a thing.
Pretty sure that’s everything that’s rattling around in our brain… for now.