
Fucken genAI slop

As of late we’ve gotten two or three spam comments that have made it past our filters… And the vibe on them is decidedly different than the usual.

These ones are antagonizing and rude, clearly seeking to get a rise out of you.

Yet another thing to watch out for.

It’s been over eleven years since we got an actual valid comment on this website. The rest has been all spam.

Big Spam dump!

Large collection of default spam-comments from a slimy SEO tool.

This morning, I woke up to find that someone who was new to the tool (or unclear on the concept) had left a spam with all of the default comment messages in it, dumping the full database of anodyne comments intended to fool both the spam-filter and the human operator into thinking that the sender had read the post and was replying to it.

This should be helpful in blocking future spam.

Oh, spammers

I thought it was ridiculous before, but I hadn’t seen anything yet:

All of that text is a single spam comment.

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