
We are fucked

We briefly lived in an era in which the photograph was a shortcut to reality, to knowing things, to having a smoking gun. It was an extraordinarily useful tool for navigating the world around us. We are now leaping headfirst into a future in which reality is simply less knowable. The lost Library of Alexandria could have fit onto the microSD card in my Nintendo Switch, and yet the cutting edge of technology is a handheld telephone that spews lies as a fun little bonus feature.

Source: No one’s ready for this – The Verge

Years ago I remember reading a story about a technology that lets you remember everything as it truly happened, no as you remember it happening. The main character realized most of his adult life he had been the one to fuck up. Another one I remember is The Light of Other Days, by Stephen Baxter based on a synopsys by Arthur C. Clarke.

Until we develop a technology like it, any visual media cannot be granted any authoritative display of fact. In a few months (hopefully years) the same will happen to video.

Tiktok may be the first electronic drug

Rather than see specificity and device limitations as an inconvenient hurdle to omnipresence, TikTok embeds itself within them—taking advantage of the fact that mobile technology limits how people engage with content and leaning into these constraints (e.g. the user only sees one video at a time and can only proceed linearly to the next video by swiping). This narrow focus enables a “flow state” to open up between the platform and spectator, as attention is entirely channeled to the content at hand.

Source: TikTok’s Greatest Asset Isn’t Its Algorithm—It’s Your Phone | WIRED

We’ve experienced this. Tiktok is extremely good at showing you things that will make your mind reach this “flow state” and then you’re just adrift in the current of swipes from one video to another, punctuated with brief stops to write a comment.

This can last for hours upon hours. We currently make it a point to check tiktok once or twice a day for fifteen, twenty minutes at a time. Catch up with the people we follow, check what drama is going on, what went viral, and then quit out of it.

Disabling notifications helps tremendously with this, as tiktok is a very pushy application when it comes to demanding your attention.

The text itself is the lie

GPT-3 is a communication revolution that threatens to eliminate the possibility of information about the original human intentionality behind a given text post.

Source: GPT-3: Informational Hyper-Inflation – Never Met a Science

Unless you see the name of someone who is a real human on a text you cannot be sure that text was written by an actual breathing human. Even then you’re not assured the text was actually written by a human, merely that it was vetted by a human who then decided it was okay to put their name to this text.

You still cannot be sure the text was actually written by them. As the author of that post says this will only help drive written media away giving priority to audio and video media.

How long until those are mediated by AI? Nvidia is already making a go at it with the purpose of reducing used bandwidth but it won’t be long before the tech is being used to fake entire appearances.

Wreck-It Ralph

So much licensing Disney must’ve had to do. WOW. If some of the villains are here now, I predict that of the more popular heroes will show up later, or even at the end of the movie.

So far this is like “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” for video gamers.


Fito Paez


Este es solo uno de los vídeos que el usuario reporterostijuana realizo de la reciente visita de Fito Paez al Valle de Guadalupe.

Se que muchos se quedaron con las ganas de ir, al igual que yo, así que por lo menos con estos vídeos podemos ver algo de lo que nos perdimos.


Pues anda cabrón el clima últimamente y mucha gente anda subiendo videos a YouTube para demostrarlo. Aquí solo les pongo algunos de los vídeos mas llamativos:

Este muestra una de las joyas del gobierno actual, la recién renovada Vía Rápida, siendo devorada por las aguas:

Este otro es un collage de fotos:

Ah si, no se les olviden las famosas canchas!


Yo nomas veo harta agua mugrienta corriendo por ese cauce.


Recorded this outside of Virus Club over in Ave. Revolucion. The only thing I dislike is how crappy it looks… the YouTube people need to work a bit harder on their transcoding tools. The original AVI file was converted into an h.264 MP4 file that looks almost the same as the original, but once it got uploaded it just doesn’t look right.

If this keeps up I’ll begin uploading videos somewhere else; Vimeo looks good.


Lo grabe afuera del Virus Club, ahí en la Revolución. La gente de YouTube ocupan mejorar sus programas para trascodificar… el AVI original de 200MB lo pase a un MP4 h.264 que no se ve nada mal, pero ya que esta en YouTube si se mira de la chingada.

Si siguen así mejor subo mis vídeos a algún otro lado; Vimeo se mira bastante bien… así como los vídeos.

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