
Meses como esclavo para que ni las gracias te den

Con los años, los mejores restaurantes se adaptan más a las demandas de los jóvenes, pero advierten que la exigencia no puede bajar: “Quien quiere formarse en la excelencia lo hace libremente”.

Source: El infierno de los becarios de los estrella Michelin: 14 horas, sin cobrar y a vivir en pisos ‘patera’

La industria restaurantera en Europa esta cayendo en un precipicio de su propia creación. A donde va el dinero que cuestan menus de €400? Por mas caro que cueste la renta, los insumos, la labor, de ahi queda ganancia. Si Noma, en un pais nordico con una red social avanzada, no pudo con los gastos, que esperanza hay para los demas? Eso sin contar el incremento en costo de vida que mucha gente joven esta sufriendo.

De restaurantes en Estados Unidos ni se hable. Aqui la industria completa depende de labor migrante por lo regular indocumentada, cosa de la cual malos jefes se aprovechan. Yo he sido stagiaire pero por lo regular suele ser un dia, dos a lo mucho, con posible contratacion por parte del restaurante.

Scoffier invento un buen sistema para aquel entonces, pero ya es hora de cambiar.

A different lens of sorts

Especially in big companies where these monoliths spanned more than a team’s cognitive horizon, violations of those boundaries were often a simple import away, and of course rife.

Source: Microservices — architecture nihilism in minimalism’s clothes – Blog by Vasco Figueira

Most of this is way, way over my head but I’m now introduced to the concept of “cognitive horizon”, which applies to more than IT. It describes perfectly what’s happening when I’m expediting in a restaurant.

This is my “I’m being a shill” moment

I recently discovered Instacart is able to deliver Costco and…



Granted, not Commercial Foodservice Company cheap, but for home use this is fucken ferpect.

  • Got 20 lb Basmati rice for like, 20 bucks.
  • 6 lb of pasta elbows for *checks notes* 6 bucks
  • Eggs are stupid cheap, pick how many you want.
  • Bleach? I got me a lot of bleach.
  • EVOO! A gallon of it is 15 bucks!
  • Canola oil! 6 qt are 10 bucks!

I got some more things to round out the pantry for pasta production but for getting all of this stuff delivered? I can probably order once a month and 80% of my grocery shopping is done right there and then.

Now, they don’t have everything at the store available. They don’t have kosher salt (well they do but it’s the Kirkland brand. I prefer Morton or Diamond). The meat and fish selection is somewhat limited but they got the basics on there. Produce is good but I’d rather mosey down to the neighborhood coop for that.

Again, for me the angle here is the delivery; I bike everywhere and carrying all the stuff on my last order on my bike rack would probably require at least 5 trips, so the 8.99 delivery charge is totally worth it. This isn’t a promoted post (ugh) but there are many use cases for exactly this kind of thing at this volume, which is right in between “let’s pick up groceries on the way home” and “I need to open a sysco/us foods/reinhart account”:

  • People with more than two kids. Kids eat a fucken hell of a lot. You ate a lot when you were a kid, you just don’t remember it.
  • Disabled/sick people.
  • People who literally don’t have the time, like when you’re working 2 full-time jobs. Good luck finding time to cook, much less to buy the groceries.
  • People without cars, like myself.

Anyway, click on this here referral link so I get a fucken discount on my next order and you get cheap groceries. Everyone wins.

It’s more fun to yell at people anyway

A nicely set table, fresh flowers, candles, and music are well and good, but if you have to look at a heap of pots and pans while you’re eating, that special effort you’ve put into dinner into is lost. Guess what? Close the door. Problem solved.

from Why I Will Never Switch to an Open Kitchen

The author raises a very good point, and this is one of the reasons why people just love to go out for dinner. You don’t have to worry about buying the ingredients, prepping them, cooking them, and then washing those dishes to be put away at some later time.

Hell, I like to cook and I felt tired from just writing that. So people go out for dinner.

Another benefit of an enclosed kitchen: When you burn something — which you will if you cook for long enough — you don’t risk having the entire studio/apartment fill up with smoke and then smelling weird for days, possibly weeks.

What Can Men Do?

If you’re reading this, there’s about an 80% chance that you’re a man. So after you give me the secret man club handshake, let’s talk about what we men can do, right now, today, to make programming a more welcoming profession for women.

Also applies to the service industry, particularly in the kitchen. I’m not the only one who thinks this way (there are too many places you can find that. If you work in the service industry, you’ll know where to look.)

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