
Cosas que estan relacionadas con la raza humana, sin importar la situacion; enfatizando a la gente en si.

Reviving a forgotten draft: Ps que te borre y ya

* Noesh voltea
<Noesh>Mi iTunes rulea xD una persona ya me reclamo que twitter no es para cantar”
<Xeelee>Ps que te borre y ya. Al fin y al cabo es tu twitter.


Recently I went through the same thing with someone else, via direct message because the person apparently is too much of a coward to say it out in public:

Vandria_: Deberias de escribir en español
nullrend: any particular reason why? I tend to think in English these days.
Vandria_: Nop. Piensas en español y tratas de escribirlo en ingles, pero te falla la gramatica.
Just sayin’
nullrend: If you say so, it must be true then. Still, I’ll tweet in both English and Spanish.
@Vandria_: No en mi TL

After that, this lady unfollowed me. She wanted me to change my habits so she would have a better time. Would it have been so hard to just unfollow me? She would have saved herself and myself a bit of trouble. I did have this post floating around the back of my head for a couple of weeks, after all.

Follow crap people and you get a crap timeline. I like to think I’m worth following, but if you don’t like what I say or how I say it, just unfollow me. Your twitter timeline is what you make of it.

Quemarlo hasta el suelo

Estoy con Yang.

Quemarlo todo hasta el suelo y después echar las cenizas al viento para que nadie lo pueda reconstruir.

Seria demasiado soportar que alguien mas llegara y convirtiera un Centro en una Orilla de un solo golpe, una parte a desconfiar de algo hueco y odiado por muchos. Aquellos que están saliendo vieron sus creaciones transformadas a Orillas desde Centros, pero estuvieron contento con los resultados… hasta ahora. No se pueden quejar, pero probablemente quisieran que todo hubiera salido mejor.

Entonces hay que dejarlo desaparecer y caer envuelto en llamas. Sera recordado. Obviamente hay aquellos que no lo permitirán, deslumbrados por las ganancias que tal Transformación daría, especialmente a las hordas de la bandera de cuatro colores en contra de quien se ha peleado por tanto tiempo.

Soy tan idealista.

Burn it to the ground

I’m with Yang.

Burn it to the ground and then spread the ashes to the wind so no one can put it back together.

It would be too much to bear if someone else came and turned a Center into an Edge in a swift stroke, a distrusted part of something hollow and hated by many. Those who are leaving had their creations turned from Centers into Edges but were happy with the results… until now. They can’t complain, but probably wish everything had turned out better.

So have it disappear completely and go down in flames. It shall be remembered. Obviously there are those who won’t let it, blinded by the profit to be had from such a Turning, specially to that horde of the four-colored flag who have been fought for so long.

I’m such an idealist.

Better someplace without smokers than one full of suicidal smokers

I watch and read quite the scandal about the anti-tobacco law project intended to stop the consumption of cigarettes inside of closed businesses. Noesh told me about a comment (left here, it’s the one by Ruy Feben) about applying the same principles to alcohol drinkers and people with AIDS.

The law is going to pass anyway, so why argue.

Where I made the connection is when I saw this article on The New York Magazine titled “This Is My Brain on Chantix”. In short, it’s the experience someone had when trying to use the drug known as Chantix(Varenicline) to stop smoking and caused him psychological issues. In addition to the ones someone else had who after taking the drug proceeded to attack his fiancee to the point she had to get a neighbor’s help and the neighbor, panicking, shot him with a firearm through the front door. If you didn’t read the article you can guess what the result was.

So now the law is not only protecting non-smokers from second hand smoke. It protects smokers from having to use a drug which might result being worse than the original condition. Let’s leave out the fact the drug underwent human testing with people of white race withouth a history of psychiatric patologies.

The most unsettling thing about sleeping on Chantix is that I never felt like I was truly asleep. Some part of me remained on guard. It was more like lucid dreaming, what I thought it might feel like to be hypnotized. And it didn’t entirely go away come morning. As I showered, shaved, and scrambled into clothes, I tried to shake a weird, paranoid sense that I’d just been psychically raped by a household appliance.

Just imagine… feel being raped by an clothes iron or a hairdryer. Or worse yet, a gangbang between the washer, the dryer and the dishwasher.

I joked to my friends that Chantix was the ultimate quit-smoking drug, because when you kill yourself, there’s no chance of relapse.

The words of Elizabeth McCullough, who also tried going through the treatment.

I see no problem in the law passing. I believe it a good thing I could get a pair of beers at a bar and leave without smelling like someone else’s smoke. Specially the benefit to the smoker of not having to use a drug with which the could be really Bad Times. A Cronenberg movie is to be watched, not to be lived. Or would you rather wake dream that microbus is after your ass?

Mejor un local sin fumadores que uno lleno de fumadores suicidas

Veo y leo mucho escandalo sobre el proyecto de ley antitabaco para prohibir el consumo del cigarrillo adentro de locales cerrados. Noesh me comento que cierto leyó cierto comentario (aqui, es el de Ruy Feben) de aplicar el mismo principio a los consumidores de alcohol y a los enfermos de SIDA.

La ley igual va a pasar, así que pa’ que alegar.

Donde yo hice la conexión fue cuando vi este articulo en The New York Magazine titulado “This Is My Brain on Chantix”. En corto es la experiencia de alguien que trato de usar la droga conocida como Chantix(Vareniclina) para dejar de fumar y le causo problemas psicológicos. Además de los que le causo a otra persona que después de tomar el medicamento, procedió a atacar a su prometida al punto de que ella fue con el vecino y el vecino, en su pánico, le disparo con un arma de fuego a través de la puerta principal. Si no leyeron el articulo ya sabrán cual fue el resultado.

Entonces ahora la ley no solo protege a los no-fumadores del humo de segunda mano. Protege a los mismos fumadores de tomar una medicina que puede resultar peor que el mismo mal. Dejemos fuera el hecho de que la droga tuvo sus pruebas con personas de raza blanca sin historial de patologías psiquiátricas:

The most unsettling thing about sleeping on Chantix is that I never felt like I was truly asleep. Some part of me remained on guard. It was more like lucid dreaming, what I thought it might feel like to be hypnotized. And it didn’t entirely go away come morning. As I showered, shaved, and scrambled into clothes, I tried to shake a weird, paranoid sense that I’d just been psychically raped by a household appliance.

Imaginense… sentir ser ultrajado por una plancha o una secadora de pelo. O peor aun, un gangbang entre la lavadora, secadora y el lavatrastes.

I joked to my friends that Chantix was the ultimate quit-smoking drug, because when you kill yourself, there’s no chance of relapse.

Las palabras de Elizabeth McCullough, otra persona que trato de hacer el tratamiento.

Entonces por mi que la ley pase sin ningún problema. Creo yo que por una vez seria bueno poder ir a tomar un par de cervezas en algún bar y no salir apestando a humo. Especialmente el beneficio para el fumador de evitarle consumir algo con lo que puede pasar un muy mal rato. Una película de Cronenberg es para verse, no para vivirse. O quieres soñar despierto que un microbus anda queriendo tu trasero?

Como controlar la mente de agentes de soporte

El post original esta aqui. Ve a leerlo, hara tu vida mas facil (si lo sabes leer :P). Tambien asegurate de leer los comentarios, ahi oro alli, especialmente estos:

Combinando el post con esos tres comentarios resulta en:

  • No seas un mamon/a ordenandonos como peones. Puede que seas el cliente, pero no eres el patron.
  • Usa el post como una guia despues de tener el problema por mucho tiempo sin tener solucion satisfactoria.
  • Sin importar lo que pase, no nos grites. O acaso quieres ser recordado como “el kamikaze”? Tengo experiencia de primera mano de un cliente kamikaze. Recordarlo siempre nos hace reir a nosotros los agentes.

How To Mind Control Customer Service Reps

The original post is here. Go read it, it will make your life better. Also make sure to read the comments, there is gold in them, specially these:

So, combining the post itself with those three comments gives this:

  • Don’t be a jackass by ordering us around. You may be the customer, but you are not the boss.
  • Use the post as a guide after you have had the problem for a while without a satisfactory solution.
  • Regardless of what happens, don’t scream at us. Would you like to be the customer remembered as “the kamikaze”? I have first-hand knowledge of a kamikaze customer. We agents always get a laugh out of it.


This is the new wave… strapless sandals. The magic is on the glue that binds it to your feet, which seemingly lasts for a year.

Lasts a year on asphalt… I wonder how long they’ll take to get to Mexico — here’s a business idea — and how long it’ll take for them to go bad with all the dust here in Tijuana :P


Esta es la nueva onda… chanclas sin tiras para sujetarlas a los pies. La magia segun esta en el pegamento que adhiere el pie al plastico, el cual segun dura un año.

Dura un año en asfalto… me pregunto cuando tardaran en llegar aqui a Mexico — aqui una idea pa’ negocio eh — y cuanto tardarian en echarse a perder con todo el polvo que hay aqui en Tijuana :P


What will write here it’s been on my head for about a month. I wrote four other drafts but didn’t like them. They got thrown away because:

  • I made them long.
  • I made them complicated adding stuff that wasn’t related.
  • Simply put they were not nice to read.

What I’ll do here is just put out the heart of the post and work it a little. Basically it’s a phrase… theorem… hypothesis… whatever, but here it goes:

An average Macintosh user is better using a computer than an average Windows user.

There, I’ve said it (written it?). It’s that simple. Could be a truth, could be a fallacy, but at the end of the day it’s my opinion. Working it for a while took me to the negative and positive ends, having the original as the “center”.

Positive end:

A good Macintosh user is much better using a computer than a good Windows user.

Working as tech support is rare to have someone from this end call. When it happens it’s because it’s something they’re not able to solve themselves like resetting a password — happens to everyone — or solving issues with the DSL line itself. The classic example of these people it’s the Switcher, that person who jumped from Microsoft to Apple and never looked back. Occasionally it’s people who have always used MacOS but they know Windows by necessity; after all this is a planet dominated by Windows.

Here comes the negative end:

A bad Macintosh user is worse using a computer than a bad Windows user.

These are the people who call asking why the computer doesn’t turn on. Or why thing foo does bar when before it did baz. Those who ask for help and then say “I don’t know”, who then unwillingly grab the mouse and barely try to do something themselves. The worst example is the person who doesn’t want to admit to not knowing absolutely anything and — even though will never say it — is not interested to learn. These are people who should not use a computer without supervision.

I know I didn’t mention Linux, and for all the ongoing effort it might never be an OS for the common consumer… I hope that doesn’t happen and it gets bigger than the big two. Almost always those who begin to use it it’s because they wanted to use it out of curiosity or looking for something beyond what Microsoft or Apple had to offer them. Soon there will be kids who know Linux because it’s the operating system they grew up with; they’re not stuck in a single paradigm of doing stuff a specific way and they’re not afraid of getting their hands dirty poking configurations or — by Bog! — opening a console to see what’s there.

I’ll end with that… it’s very different from previous versions but I’m satisfied. What I wanted to say is now in the open :)


Esto que voy a poner lo he traído en la cabeza desde hace un mes. Hice cuatro borradores distintos, ninguno me gusto. A esas versiones las mande por la borda por que:

  • Los hacia largos.
  • Los hacia complicados al escribir cosas que ni al caso.
  • Simplemente no eran agradables para leer.

Así que mejor pongo el núcleo del post y lo desarrollo un poquito. Es una frase… teorema… hipótesis… como sea, pero ahí va:

Un usuario promedio de Macintosh es mejor usando una computadora que un usuario promedio de Windows.

Ya, lo he dicho (escrito?). Así de simple. Quizás sea una verdad, quizá sea puro verbo, pero al final del día es mi opinión. Procesarlo durante un rato me llevo a los extremos negativo y positivo, teniendo esa frase como el “centro”.

Extremo positivo:

Un buen usuario de Macintosh es mucho mejor usando una computadora que un buen usuario de Windows.

Trabajando en soporte técnico es raro que gente de esta índole llame y cuando lo hace por lo regular es por problemas que no pueden resolver ellos mismos, como obtener la contraseña de su cuenta — a todos nos pasa — o resolver problemas con la linea del DSL. El ejemplo clásico de estas personas esta en el Switcher, aquel que dio el brinco de Microsoft a Apple sin mirar atrás. En ocasiones son los que siempre han usado MacOS pero también saben usar Windows por necesidad; después de todo este es un planeta dominado por Windows.

Ahora viene el extremo negativo:

Un mal usuario de Macintosh es mucho peor usando una computadora que un mal usuario de Windows.

Estas son las personas que llaman y nos preguntan por que su computadora no prende. O por que cosa foo hace cosa bar cuando antes hacia cosa baz. Los que piden ayuda después dicen que no saben y solo a regañadientes agarran el ratón y a medias tratan de hacer algo por si mismos. El peor ejemplo es aquella persona que no quiere admitir que no sabe absolutamente nada y que — aunque nunca lo dirá — no le interesa aprender. Son gente que no debe usar una computadora sin supervision.

Se que deje sin mencionar Linux, pero por mas que se trate quizá nunca llegue a ser un sistema operativo para el consumidor común… ojala que eso no pase y Linux sobrepase a los dos grandes. Casi siempre aquellos que llegan a usar Linux es por que llegaron por ellos mismos, sea por curiosidad o buscando algo mas allá de lo que Microsoft o Apple les puedan ofrecer. Pronto habrá niños y niñas que conozcan Linux por que crecieron usando sistema operativo; no estarán encerrados en un solo paradigma de como se hacen las cosas y no le tienen miedo a ensuciarse las manos moviéndole a las configuraciones o — por Bogo! — metiéndose a una consola para ver que hay.

Con eso ya termino el post… quedo muy diferente a las otras versiones pero estoy satisfecho. Aquello que quería transmitir ya esta en el aire :)

Eeeek almost forgot

Merry Christmas :)

This was one of my best in years. If yours wasn’t so special remember there’s always next year…

Eeeeeehhh que se me olvida

Feliz Navidad :)

Esta fue una de mis mejores en años. Si la suya no fue asi hay que desesperar… siempre esta el año que viene.

Global opportunities

I’m following – with not much interest, I admit – the tale of the global battery recall by Sony and all those horror stories of smoking laptops or begin spontaneus combustion.

Just like many think (and say) this is an epidemic.

I began to think why something like this could be happening. Sony says it’s cause by microscopic particles that get in the battery during the manufacturing process, and it the long term can cause a short-circuit. Sony also says the epidemic is merely an exaggeration. The company has had a hard time lately with the PS3 over US$400 and those damn rootkits on music cds.

This is where I made the connection batteries – DRM.

Sony now has the opportunity it has been waiting for years. It’s unique:

Sony could use its batteries as an ultra effective DRM method.

Here’s an example: When someone downloads a file ilegally, a memory-resident DRM monitor would detect the illegality of the file. Such a program would be a legal variation of the one that it put on music cds.

It might have problems with those people that begin to poke stuff they should not but they’re easy to shut up. Just lawsuit them senseless.

Going back to the computer… the DRM monitor detects the file and warns the user if he keeps on doing such illegal stuff it will send his/her data to the RIAA as evidence of wrongdoing for a future lawsuit. To avoid doing so it would give the user two options:

  1. Settle the issue by giving a monetary compensation of x amount.
  2. Send us your data if you do not want to pay

If the user closes, terminates or kills the program manually, the monitor will assume the user is a pirate that seeks to end the industry as we know it and would eat the neighbor’s dog to achieve that purpose. This is where the batteries enter the process. When the DRM determines this it would send a signal to a Sony/RIAA server. The server would answer with a signal to begin the destruction of those illegal files by way of destroying the physical medium the’re stored in.

The user would be given a timer to make a decision between the options mentioned above and amend the damages caused by the crime. If the user does not do this the DRM would beging a final countdown. When it finishes, a short is caused on the battery, the battery begins to smoke and the computer goes up in flames. Merely smoking the laptop would not be enough.

Voila. Total destruction of the offending files. Copyright and the company’s bottom line have been safeguarded and a criminal has received punishment. The computer was destroyed? No matter! A criminal user deserves this and more. The very last thing the DRM monitor did was send the user’s data to Sony/RIAA for further action.

Just like I said… this is a great opportunity for Sony that it shouldn’t let escape. It’s the golden solution for those who worry about author’s rights and the corresponding pay of those rights.

Just in case… this post is obviously a joke. DRM is a Bad Thing™ and is causing many many conflicts. Sony took far too long to acknowledge the issues and it’s fucking everything with its DRM. In the US it supposedly recalled those cds infected with the rootkit, but here in Mexico it’s a completely different story.

Un screenshot mas

Un tal kuwait hacker cambio algunos links

Otro screenshot. Noesh andaba viendo algo cuando fue a parar a la bolsa de trabajo de Segun esto es una de las mas visitadas en Mexico.

Resulta que un tal fulano que se hace llamar “kuwait hacker” altero algunos links de la pagina. Quiza sea un error, quiza sea el principio de algo mayor, a lo mejor cuando visites la pagina ya lo arreglaron.

Pero la prueba de que algo paso esta aqui :)

Con tantita suerte y el encargado de la pagina no tendra que ocupar los servicios de alguna otra bolsa de trabajo en linea pa’ encontrar chamba nueva :P

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