
Another skirmish in the culture wars

I have no favored party among the ones named in this article, but this one quote stuck with me:

It’s because the only other person who is able to subvert and defeat a white woman (and her white privilege and white tears) is another fellow white woman.

This is important to remember in identity politics if you are a person of color who will be working with white people, or viceversa.

There is still the fact that the parties involved might be just playing the media at large using their fans to generate untold income.

So my kid got his own phone

Don’t ask if it’s proper or right or whatever — it’s a done deal and now we (his parents) have to deal with the fact he is not an active participant of the Internet.

Since I’m using Google Apps, we got him a managed account in one of my domains. This will allow us to recover the account quickly if he ever gets his devices or his credentials compromised. This account qualifies as a full google account, which is both a plus and a minus. But mostly a plus.

A more immediate problem is how to get his device loaded with content. Since I’m in the US I get access to a lot of content for what is a very low price. He’s in Mexico and access to legal content is still very costly. I would very much like for him not to have to look for stuff on the torrents or cyberlockers.

I’ll figure something out. In the meantime, I’ve already hit a snag trying to get him access to music. I’ll just have to ignore the age requirement for a while…


Pues anda cabrón el clima últimamente y mucha gente anda subiendo videos a YouTube para demostrarlo. Aquí solo les pongo algunos de los vídeos mas llamativos:

Este muestra una de las joyas del gobierno actual, la recién renovada Vía Rápida, siendo devorada por las aguas:

Este otro es un collage de fotos:

Ah si, no se les olviden las famosas canchas!


Yo nomas veo harta agua mugrienta corriendo por ese cauce.

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