
We hunger

H: sabías que es químicamente bueno hacer ayunos de 3 – 4 días cada determinado tiempo, ejem, cada mes?
nullrend: fuck that, I’m hungry

laughingstation: These are not chips. They are crisps. These are chips. That is all. we don’t…

These are not chips. They are crisps. These are chips. That is all. we don’t care image #DON’T TELL ME WHAT MY FOOD IS THIS IS A VEGETABLE BECAUSE WE LIVE IN AMERICA
These are chips and these are chips too That is all. who the fuck cares about chips and fries and vegetables when you can have bagged milk you win this round, canada.
Eats tacos while watching this mayhem go down

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Fake Cinnamon Joins Artificial Vanilla and Wins

Fake Cinnamon Joins Artificial Vanilla and Wins:

The most shocking revelation of the evening concerned cinnamon, which, in the United States, whether natural or artificial, is likely not to be cinnamon at all, scientifically speaking. “True” cinnamon flavour comes from the bark of the Cinnamomum verum tree, but the FDA has determined that the bark of the cassia tree, another member of the Cinnamomum genus, can also be sold as cinnamon.

So the Cinnamon Challenge has to be renamed to the Fake Cinnamon Challenge.

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