Gone Streisand

God damn it internet, why is /r/popping a thing

EDIT: You all keep replying to this and it keeps bringing me back here.

What the hell is wrong with you people.

EDIT 2: You’re all monsters.

EDIT 3: Oh my god if you assholes make this my top voted comment, i’ll never stop looking at it what the fuck. Reddit. Stahp.

EDIT 4: And the descriptive disgusting comments aren’t helping jesus christ.

ohsnapkins comments on Guy posts his infected pimple on /r/popping, gets told to see a doctor ASAP and ends up needing 3 days in hospital to treat for MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).

Gone Streisand Read More »

Damn these people

The Plot to Destroy America’s Beer – Businessweek.

As far as investors are concerned, Brito’s performance has been masterful. So much cash flowed in that by 2011 the company was able to pay down early a significant portion of the $54 billion it had borrowed to finance the Anheuser-Busch takeover. This triggered $1.3 billion in stock-option bonuses for Brito and 39 other executives that year.

Does anyone, anywhere, still need more proof that everyone on Wall Street is an asshole? Not only are these people destroying the economy. They’re destroying one the few legal ways to forget they destroyed the economy.

Damn these people Read More »

Sinful Interfaces

Windows 8′s Greatest Sin | TechPinions.

It is quite telling that Linux is nowhere on the list. This is how hard all open source desktop environments have failed.

GNOME lusted after OSX and became a bad imitation of it. KDE lusted after Windows 7’s candied interfaces, and became bloated. Xfce remains too static and people use it only it is known and stable.

There is some semblance of hope with MATE, Cinnamon, Trinity and Razor-qt, but they’re too young and still need years to achieve feature parity with Windows XP.

I’ve been using Windows 8 and I’ve found I have to fight its UI quirks less than those of Xfce, GNOME or KDE, enticing me to jump back and stop dealing with all these changes.

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Laughing all the way to the bank again.

First, a few links:

I tweeted this earlier:

se acuerdan que le hacian burla al iPad por ser un iPhone mas grandote? Pues los de Apple se estan riendo de ustedes todo el camino al banco.

The iPad didn’t turn out to be a big iPhone, nor did they come out with the iBoard or the iMat. They have very clear use-cases between devices. Other manufacturers are coming out with humongous phones, or outright — *snort* — phablets. LTE chipset sizes may be to blame, but… other phones without LTE are damn big when they don’t have to.

Apple single-handedly created a valid market for tablets worldwide, not just in the US. Other hardware makers wanted in, but – except for Google and Asus, with the Nexus devices – no one can match what Apple is doing.

Now Apple has the iPad Mini. While people were initially underwhelmed by it, it looks like Apple is set to dominate the “small tablet” market; sooner or later this will be the tablet market. In the words of John Gruber, it’s the iPod story all over again. Within one or two versions they’ll have a retina version of the Mini and everybody else will be basically screwed. Again.

Laughing all the way to the bank again. Read More »