software development

Looking at you, KDE/Plasma

The idea that new code is better than old is patently absurd. Old code has been used. It has been tested. Lots of bugs have been found, and they’ve been fixed. There’s nothing wrong with it. It doesn’t acquire bugs just by sitting around on your hard drive. Au contraire, baby! Is software supposed to be like an old Dodge Dart, that rusts just sitting in the garage? Is software like a teddy bear that’s kind of gross if it’s not made out of all new material?

Source: Things You Should Never Do, Part I – Joel on Software

Joel’s post is almost 25 years old. Sonos learned this lesson this year cos their management was too stupid to realize what they were doing. Also, some people in the comments are wondering why CEO asked Lead Counsel to investigate the debacle.

That’s called fiduciary duty. CEO knows he fucked up hard enough by ignoring the growing issues that any number of shareholders could have sued the company and/or its officials (in a personal capacity), and those shareholders would have had a great shot at winning said suit.

Now if only FOSS developers would learn the lesson too.

And fuck your cow too

Dear Spotify. I tried to search for podcasts on your Desktop app. I know you’re into fancy cross-platform Electron framework. I’ve come to terms with it. It’s fine. It’ll do. But, your understanding of interface design seems like it needs a bit of a history lesson. Back in iTunes Good

Source: Dear Spotify. Can we just get a table of songs?

Honestly if you’re using the Electron framework for anything you’re not a software developer. You’re a piece of shit who writes shit code and is out to make the world a shittier place.

I hadn’t thought about this, at all.

On the experience of working with two totally different teams: one novicepractising trunk-based development, the other very experienced being used by GitFlow.

Source: ThinkingLabs:: Thierry de Pauw – On the Evilness of Feature Branching – A Tale of Two Teams

For the longest time I’ve been bashing my head against git cos that’s what everyone uses. I hadn’t realized that not using branches is also a valid development strategy.

Maybe I should just switch to subversion for my personal projects; it seems to align better with how our mind works and as most of them are not software development but rather systems management, having feature branches just isn’t that useful.

Either the system works as expected, or it doesn’t.

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