
Most Cyclists Are Working-Class Immigrants, Not Hipsters

Misidentifying who, exactly, rides bikes is hardly a new problem, Longhurst said. Historically, every generation has created a new idea of who rides a bike, but the older associations have stuck around, too.That creates a situation in which cyclists are simultaneously associated with elites displaying conspicuous consumption, those sacrificing for the good of society, competitive athletes, children, and sometimes those who are coming home from their job washing dishes at 2 a.m. because other options aren’t available.

Source: Most Cyclists Are Working-Class Immigrants, Not Hipsters

I’m one of those people. Since I’m usually at work it is extremely hard for me to participate in initiatives to extend biking infrastructure here in Minneapolis. Same goes for most of the people who work in the service industry, regarless of their race or country of origin.

We bike because it’s cheap and convenient. And when you’re going home anytime after midnight, usually the only option you have to get home since taxis are relatively expensive and mass transit cuts service.

Most Cyclists Are Working-Class Immigrants, Not Hipsters Read More »