nullrend 2022-12-04 02:19:19



hilarious how on voyager they have this whole dramatic episode about how there’s a murderer on board and on ds9 it’s like “oh yeah i got my pants fixed by this guy who’s killed thirty people :]”

you’re telling me this guy doesn’t kill people for fun

Killing people for fun and having fun while you are killing people is a subtle but distinct difference.

Remember to always work people who have fun at their jobs and enjoy doing them.

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nullrend 2022-12-03 22:46:06


ok so there was normal stuff at the raffle but there was also like a dumb box on the floor that no one was paying attention to so I grabbed that and got 4 of these lol

oh damn! 48tb of storage? I’ve worked at two storage companies, but neither of them had raffle prices that good

I gotta get in on raffles goddamn

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Fuck Kanye West

nullrend 2022-11-11 02:17:24


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