The text itself is the lie
GPT-3 is a communication revolution that threatens to eliminate the possibility of information about the original human intentionality behind a given text post.
Source: GPT-3: Informational Hyper-Inflation – Never Met a Science
Unless you see the name of someone who is a real human on a text you cannot be sure that text was written by an actual breathing human. Even then you’re not assured the text was actually written by a human, merely that it was vetted by a human who then decided it was okay to put their name to this text.
You still cannot be sure the text was actually written by them. As the author of that post says this will only help drive written media away giving priority to audio and video media.
How long until those are mediated by AI? Nvidia is already making a go at it with the purpose of reducing used bandwidth but it won’t be long before the tech is being used to fake entire appearances.