Our ‘boss’ at work isn’t even in the city. He invests time and effort on growing another team in a city in the center of the country, where is cheaper to hire support personnel. No big deal, it’s the very nature of my sector for work to flow into places where labor is cheaper.
The problem for us is the team we’ve got here in Tijuana. A few hours ago I was informed beginning next Monday our daily work hours are reduced to 6 hours and the night shift is being phased out. This after fighting management for a few months to get our shifts reduced from 12 hours to 8 hours daily.
“There’s no budget”, he alleges; fuck that. The fucker doesn’t declare our full salary to the IMSS(social security here in Mexico). He’s changing the company’s stated reason of being with the SHCP(the Mexican Fed). Long-expired workplace permissions and documentation. Utterly stupid ideas of growing that make hiring and retaining personnel that much harder. An endless parade of workplace practices worthy of The Daily WTF.
Screwmotherfucking bastard.