
So my kid got his own phone

Don’t ask if it’s proper or right or whatever — it’s a done deal and now we (his parents) have to deal with the fact he is not an active participant of the Internet.

Since I’m using Google Apps, we got him a managed account in one of my domains. This will allow us to recover the account quickly if he ever gets his devices or his credentials compromised. This account qualifies as a full google account, which is both a plus and a minus. But mostly a plus.

A more immediate problem is how to get his device loaded with content. Since I’m in the US I get access to a lot of content for what is a very low price. He’s in Mexico and access to legal content is still very costly. I would very much like for him not to have to look for stuff on the torrents or cyberlockers.

I’ll figure something out. In the meantime, I’ve already hit a snag trying to get him access to music. I’ll just have to ignore the age requirement for a while…

’tis the season in 2015

This year I’m conflicted about the holiday season.

I have two families with which I’ll happily spend time with alongside the Jägerin. Problem is both of us are working a hell of a lot and having a hard time finding time to see each other.

Oh, I have a girlfriend now. Catch up.

Ideas escape me

I have ALL THE IDEAS for ALL THE POSTS when I’m at any of my jobs or biking around or any of a million activities.

Most of the time I can’t reach for my phone cos I’m doing something that prevents my use of the phone. Ditto for any writing utensils.

Then I get home and I sit down in front of the computer and my mind goes blank.

So, so annoying.

We all need someone to tell us this at least once.

A twitter friend is having problems. We’ve had long conversations about the current status quo and how it cannot be maintained much longer without detrimental effects on her health. This is just a bit of what I told her:

When you move out, you’ll feel sad and alone. But you know what? You’ll actually be able to listen to yourself think, and to let yourself feel for yourself.

You’ll miss what you had before because it was what you knew for the longest time. But you’ll slowly adapt to the new circumstances and will allow yourself to relax, and your body will recover.

Then you’ll one day you’ll realize that you’re feeling okay. And that it’s good to be okay.

It’s one thing to feel alone, and another one to feel lonely. Right now you’re not alone since you’re with your mother but you are lonely because she won’t share herself with you. You only get her anger.

When you’re alone and get comfortable with yourself, that’s when you stop being lonely.

I wish someone had told me this when I was younger. I learned it the hard way.


Most of the time life is a fucking pain in the ass that you cannot leave. To do so would mean, well, to die.

But some days it’s quite agreeable. And today was one of those days.


Rule 2 for a Good Life: Always drink two glasses of water after walking home from said bar.


I’m exhausted but content.

I know I can’t be happy but at least I can try to do the best job I can at work. I’ve been getting distracted… but I have to focus on what’s important.

I want to be one of the sharpest knives in the city, after all.

Need to sit down and actually type blog posts more often too. It helps to organize thoughts into something coherent.

Ser listo, inteligente o trabajador no tiene mucha influencia sobre el hecho que el universo y la vida siempre me traeran de trapeador.

Bouncing back and forth.

A month ago, I was moving from Minneapolis to Rochester to work at a store in which a family member is involved. The warning was the other partner was hard to work with and would grind you down if you let him.

He is a micromanager. He is an asshole. He is a bikeshedder.

In a month, he ground me down enough for me to explode at him. Merchandise was broken. I almost spent the night sleeping outside in 10°F weather.

Now I’m back in Minneapolis looking for a job to love, in which I at least have the freedom to sell the way I like to sell. To sharpen my skills and do what I love — working. Even dishwashing is a good job if you like to have people say “these are the cleanest dishes I’ve seen at a restaurant.” That’s what I want.

Sad part is, I saw what Rochester needs and wants and I think I would have been able to provide it, in time. Now I’m afraid I won’t ever have the chance.

Si la vida te da limones, se los avientas de regreso hasta que te dé las naranjas que le pediste.


Now I have a fork in the road.

Do I remain where I have been so far? Safe and warm, but with slim-to-none possibilities of employment other than the usual allotment to those of my kind?

Or do I throw myself headlong into the unknown? I’d have support, but the unknown is precisely that — unknown.

There is an inkling to the far west, in the city by the bay…

In which reddit teaches you of confidence

Gaining confidence is catch 22; you’re not confident because good stuff doesn’t happen to you, and good stuff doesn’t happen to you because you’re not confident.

So here’s the key: Pretend to be confident, act confident even when you don’t feel it. Don’t be a scumbag but hold your head up high. Force yourself to talk to people even when you’d rather not. Pretty soon all that good stuff that those confident guys get – that’s coming your way. That will boost your esteem and make you more confident in yourself naturally; suddenly you don’t have to pretend anymore.

Men of reddit, what is a man secret that you think every man should know? : AskReddit.

Para llegar a la explicacion mas logica y simple por lo regular se requiere un proceso ilogico y complicado.

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