
Como controlar la mente de agentes de soporte

El post original esta aqui. Ve a leerlo, hara tu vida mas facil (si lo sabes leer :P). Tambien asegurate de leer los comentarios, ahi oro alli, especialmente estos:

Combinando el post con esos tres comentarios resulta en:

  • No seas un mamon/a ordenandonos como peones. Puede que seas el cliente, pero no eres el patron.
  • Usa el post como una guia despues de tener el problema por mucho tiempo sin tener solucion satisfactoria.
  • Sin importar lo que pase, no nos grites. O acaso quieres ser recordado como “el kamikaze”? Tengo experiencia de primera mano de un cliente kamikaze. Recordarlo siempre nos hace reir a nosotros los agentes.

How To Mind Control Customer Service Reps

The original post is here. Go read it, it will make your life better. Also make sure to read the comments, there is gold in them, specially these:

So, combining the post itself with those three comments gives this:

  • Don’t be a jackass by ordering us around. You may be the customer, but you are not the boss.
  • Use the post as a guide after you have had the problem for a while without a satisfactory solution.
  • Regardless of what happens, don’t scream at us. Would you like to be the customer remembered as “the kamikaze”? I have first-hand knowledge of a kamikaze customer. We agents always get a laugh out of it.
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