And in that moment I was happy

So the coffee grinder that I have is… mine! All mine!

First time in my life I’ve got a coffee grinder for my own use without having to depend on work to be able to grind beans using a quality device. It’s just a “cheap” Baratza Virtuoso I got off Amazon but… again, it’s all mine and no one else’s.

I won’t have to wait for a distracted barista at any of the coffee shops in town to grind the coffee for me. I’ll be able to do a good— nay, a great! cup of french press, or Hario V60 pourover. I’ll be able to do cold press in a good way without having to waste ground beans.

I won’t have to deal with the li’l temperamental pice grinder I’ve been using for years to brew my stuff. I can actually use to grind y’know, spices; at least until I get an actual burr grinder for said spices.

Yesterday I used it for the first time for a couple of cups of french press.

It was perfect.

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