
Fuck Jacob Frey too

After settling in, we spotted a small crowd of people circled around the boy mayor himself, Jacob Frey. Immediately, we felt like this event highlighted everything wrong in this damn city. After producers of the exhibit and folks at NAZ spoke, Jacob Frey got up to give one of the most Jacob Frey speeches I’ve ever heard—and as folks around me applauded while he got on stage, I booed.

Source: I Went to a VIP Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit and Now I’m Pissed – Racket

We kinda wanted to go to that exhibit but we couldn’t put a finger on it. This article points right at what we couldn’t see.

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FestiArte 2008

Tons el fin de semana pasado tuvimos al FestiArte aquí en Playas de Tijuana. Mucha música, mucho vino y sobre todo mucho arte.

Digo, hubo cuatro escenarios oficiales con sonido, mas casas de jardín extra-grandes para que la gente vendiera sus artículos, actos programados por conjuntos de actores y algunos actos espontáneos por visitantes.

En definitiva podías rellenarte de arte.

Pero se me había olvidado por completo. El Sábado salí con mi pequeño para que se divirtiera un rato. Pasamos por el parque México para mirar alrededor — una vez que ya había recordado el evento — y de ahi fuimos a la playa a jugar en la arena. El chamaco la paso muy bien… ya no le tiene miedo al mar.

La paso muy bien.

Oh si, cierto, estaba hablando del FestiArte. La verdad no vi mucho que digamos el Sábado, con el chamaco correteando palomas y después mirando como una banda tocada desde atrás del escenario. Cuando regrese después me toco ver un acto de danza árabe en el escenario principal, DJ Torquemada tocando en un área casi vacía, otra banda tocar en el escenario grande (que era el mas alejado del área principal de actividades) y una cantante en todavía otro escenario. Muchas cosas ocurriendo en el mismo instante, pero sin conexión a alguna de ellas. Me fui a mi casa.

Fui otra vez el Domingo en la noche después del trabajo para ver como la gente se comenzaba a ir, *sigh*. La ultima banda en tocar en el escenario grande se llama Quema Madera. Estos weyes son chidos, con el vocalista logrando mantener entretenida a un pequeño grupo de gente y sacándonos unas buenas carcajadas a todos.

Pero como todo hubo algunos lados malos. El sonido en algunos de los escenarios sonaba de la chingada, con bocinas tronadas siendo forzadas en exceso, el ya mencionado “muchas cosas ocurriendo en el mismo instante”, que implica cierta falta de organización a la hora de programar eventos; y comida cara. Especialmente la comida, que resulta ser mi mayor queja. Un vasito de agua de horchata? 15 pesos. Un muy pequeño platito de espagueti tibio? 25 pesos. La mejor comida era de 50 pesos para arriba, y aun así en raciones pequeñas.

Cuando voy a estas cosas espero ser bien alimentado y bien barato. No en esta ocasión. Fui al centro y me atasque de tacos de adobada.

En general este fue un exitoso suceso comparado con otros eventos artisticos que he visto aqui en Tijuana. Particularmente exitosa fue una muchacha en lenceria negra y peluca morado brillante el Domingo en la noche. Seria bueno tener mas exitos como el de ella.

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FestiArte 2008

So this past weekend we had FestiArte here in Playas de Tijuana. Lots of music, lots of wine and above it all lots of art.

Hell, there were four official stages with big sound, plus lots of oversized garden houses for people to sell their wares, scheduled shows by actor troupes and then some impromptu acts by visitors.

You could definitely get your art on.

Had totally forgotten about it though. Saturday went out with the little one so he could have some fun. Went to Mexico park to see around — once I had remembered about the event — then went down to the beach to play in the sand. Kid had a good time… he’s not afraid of the sea anymore.

Had a good time.

I was talking about FestiArte, right. Truth be told, I didn’t actually get to see that much on Saturday, what with the kid scaring pigeons and watching a band play from behind the stage. When I went back later in the day, only got to see this Arabian dance act start up in the main stage, DJ Torquemada playing in another almost-empty stage, a band playing in the big stage (which was the farthest one away from the main area of stalls) and a woman singing in yet another stage. Lots of things going on at the same time but I wasn’t really connected to any of them. Went home.

Went again Sunday night after work to see people beginning to leave, *sigh*. The last band to play on the big stage was called Quema Madera. These guys are good, with the vocalist managing to keep a small crowd entertained and pulling a few hearty laughs out of everyone there.

But like in everything there were a few negative things. The sound in some of the stages sounded like crap, with blown out speakers being forced too much, the aforementioned “lots of stuff going on at the same time”, which implies some lack of organization when scheduling events, and overpriced food. Specially the food, which would be my biggest complain. A pitiful cup of horchata? 15 pesos. A very small plate of lukewarm spaghetti? 25 pesos. The more worthy food was 50 pesos and up, and then in small servings as well.

When I go to these things I expect to be fed very well and very cheaply. It was not to be this time. Went to el Centro and gorged on adobada tacos.

All in all, this was a smashing success when compared to other artsy events I’ve seen here in Tijuana. Particularly successful was a girl in black lingerie and a bright purple wig on Sunday night. Could definitely use more successes like her.

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